The World Migration Report is a global reference report used by officials, media, researchers and students throughout the world. Given the report’s relevance in education and policy settings, three toolkits have been prioritised to support educators and policy officers in accessing report materials that are tailored to their needs.

World Migration Education Toolkit

Drawing upon the extensive research and analysis in the World Migration Report series, and reviewed by education and migration experts, the World Migration Education Toolkit provides a set of flexible modules to practically support educators teaching students about human migration and displacement. 

The World Migration Education Toolkit online interactive version and the PDF version are freely available.

World Migration Fact-Checkers’ Toolkit

This Fact-Checkers' Toolkit is designed to help fact-checkers around the world to address myths and misinformation about migration by using the latest data, research, information and analysis from the World Migration Report series. It will be regularly updated and expanded. The World Migration Fact-Checkers’ Toolkit is freely available here.

World Migration Policy Toolkit 

This digital World Migration Policy Toolkit was developed by IOM in partnership with the Global Migration Centre (GMC) at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies to support policy officers in leveraging migration research for evidence-based policymaking. The project was funded by the Geneva-Science Policy Interface (GSPI) as part of its Impact Collaboration Programme, a competitive grant programme supporting impactful science-policy collaborations. The first phase of the project involved the Global Migration Centre gathering insights from policy officials working on international migration at the country level and at Permanent Missions to the United Nations in Geneva. The resulting insights report can be accessed here.

The World Migration Policy Toolkit is freely available here.